August 19 (9:00AM CST) - 20 (10:30AM CST), 2025
Understanding ACH Exceptions: A Guide for ODFIs and RDFIs
Two-Part Webinar
Join us as we delve into the critical processes of managing ACH exceptions, addressing key challenges faced by both Originating Depository Financial Institutions (ODFIs) and Receiving Depository Financial Institutions (RDFIs). This guide covers essential topics such as:
- Processing Returns: Explore the procedures for handling ACH returns, including the roles and responsibilities of ODFIs and RDFIs in managing these transactions.
- Notifications of Change (NOCs): Understand how NOCs are used to inform originators of changes in customer bank account information, ensuring accurate and efficient ACH transactions.
- Prenotifications: Learn about the importance of prenotifications in validating routing numbers and account numbers before initiating live ACH transactions.
- Exception Item Processing: Gain insights into the handling of exception items, including excused delays, stop payment orders, unauthorized debit forms, reversals, recalls, and rejects.
This comprehensive training aims to provide ODFIs and RDFIs with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the complexities of ACH exceptions, ensuring compliance with NACHA rules and maintaining the integrity of the ACH network.
Dates: August 19-20, 2025
Time: 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM
Danita Moss, AAP, NCP, SVP - Payments Education, Southern Financial Exchange
Registration Fees:
Members: $215 per Single Registrant
Others: $430 per Single Registrant