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Time to update or create your congregation's Safeguarding Best Practices system for minors

As we close out calendar year 2015 and enter 2016 this is a good time to revisit your congregational Best Practices Safeguarding System regarding minors.

Need some help? Contact Gary in the Synod office

In the meantime here are starting helpful hints…

1. Your congregation needs to have a Best Practices Safeguarding System in place for staff and volunteers working with minors.

2. The Synod is here to help….contact Gary and inform him of your congregations desire to create or update your safeguarding system. He has several resources that can make this an easier process for you. He is able to come and do an onsite visit related to the topic of Safeguarding.

3. The basis of the State of Ohio Laws on Safeguarding are found in Amended Ohio Senate Bill 187 Revised Codes and in the Ohio Community Service Best Practices Document. Both are available on the Synod website in the Youth & Family Ministry section under the Faith Formation tab, or contact Gary and he can email the documents to you.

4. Note that the Synod is required to suggest fingerprint checks as a “best practice.”

5. Contact your congregational insurance agent and ask if they have any suggestions, recommendations, or templates to work off of pertaining to safeguarding.

6. Make note of the name of the attorney who would represent your congregation during any litigation pertaining to a safeguarding violation.

7. Develop or update your Best Practice Safeguarding System for working with minors using the recommendations of your insurance company and the resources that the Synod has to offer.

8. The recommendations of your insurance agent should primarily guide your Safeguarding System. View Synod resources as a supplement to your insurance company and legal counsel’s recommendations.

9. Coordinate with your insurance agent and congregational attorney before adopting a final Best Practice Safeguarding System. Make sure your legal and insurance advisors are on the same page.

10. Bottom Line: You know you have a good system in place once both your insurance agent and attorney have approved your Best Practice System.


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