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Trinity Lutheran Seminary adds Emotional Intelligence course to summer line up

Trinity Lutheran Seminary is excited to offer Dr. Lynn Nakamura's Emotional Intelligence class again. In the past, this class has been offered with lots of positive feedback from students.  It is an opportunity you won't want to miss!  

This class can apply as an elective to many of our degrees and is also beneficial to those who are just looking for personal development in their career in ministry or elsewhere.

MN2638 Emotional Intelligence for Life in the Parish

Parish leaders—church musicians, educators, youth advisors, as well as clergy—generally receive extensive education and skills training over many years. While knowledge and technical skills are foundational for today’s parish leaders, alone they are insufficient. To deal with people well in these swiftly changing times, one needs emotional intelligence (EI). In fact, among those who are otherwise alike in abilities and expertise, EI is what distinguishes outstanding leaders from the pack. This course is designed to help students to understand and develop their EI and to sustain their relationships. Students will learn the concept and component competencies of EI, consider their own EI, and begin to develop plans for enhancing their leadership throughout their career and life.

[1 credit hour. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Lynn Nakamura. Prerequisites: None. Notes: Course meets 1-3:15pm Monday through Friday 6/13-6/17.]

Will you be able to join us June 13 - June 17?

To register or if you have questions, please contact:

Aura Fox
Admissions Coordinator


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