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Youth & Family Ministry E-bulletin October 15, 2013

Busy October!

Come Cluster

Thursday October 10: Had a great cluster gathering in Middletown last Thursday.

Consider coming to...

Thursday October 17 from 10:30am to noon at Christ, Bexley. Bagels and Beverages will be served. RSVP to Jenny at

If the cluster dates, timeframes, or distance do not work for you.....Contact Gary to coordinate a cluster in your area.

Visits To Your Area

Gary will be attending the six Fall Conference Consultation meetings this autumn. There are five more to go. Contact him if you want to connect while he is in your area.

  • Thursday October 17: Zion, Tipp City
  • Monday October 21: First English, Lancaster
  • Monday November 4: Christ, Cambridge
  • Tuesday November 5: Peace, Beavercreek
  • Wednesday November 6: Zion, Middletown


Let Gary Know Your Summer Plans

Nearly every week Gary is contacted by a congregation asking what other churches are doing for a summer trip in 2014. Let him know when and where you will be going and with what organization. There may be others looking to join you. Let's connect!


Wanted Gathering Coordinator

Yes, it is that time again. Time to gather a Gathering Coordinator for Detroit 2015.

Interested? Contact Gary for details about both the repsonsibilities and the perks. 


Practice Discipleship Training Coach

Thank you to Pastor Beth Westphal (David, Canal Winchester) who has accepted the position to be our Practice Discipleship Training Coach for 2014. Pastor Westphal recently came to our Synod from West Virginia where she held the same position a couple of years ago. You will be hearing more about the training opportunities in February 2014. 


Registrations Are Open


Renew Youth Director Retreat

November 11-13, 2013 at Lutheran Memorial Camp. There is no cost for the retreat; however, you do need to register

Register at
Click on Retreats, Church Professional Retreats, Renew 2013

Renew Retreat Special Guests include; Rev. Ron Wean, Mary Lasits, Jessica Obrecht, and Mary Woodward.

Who are they, when are they coming and why are they coming? Click here: Renew Retreat Guests


Youthworks Trip to Charleston West Virginia

July 13-18, 2014. Space is limited to 72 spots. Contact Gary or directly with Nate at



Jacobs Porch High School Retreat

at Camp Kern February 14-16, 2014. Space is Limited.

Click here for details: 2014 Retreat Details

There are 65 spots remaining!


Middle School MiX 

at Lutheran Memorial Camp January 10-12, 2014

Visit for details

Go to Retreats, Youth Retreats, Middle School MiX



Transportation: Starting to get serious about traveling together. If you have not already done so contact Bryan Jaster if you want in on the travel arrangements.


Be a TED!

TED is a nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out in 1984 as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, Design. Since then its scope has become ever broader. 

And this year at the Extravaganza we will feature TED style talks, videos, and YOU! What one thing would you like all of your fellow children and youth ministers to hear? This is your chance! We are seeking short videos in three major categories:

Practical Tips – your best office/organizational tip for your fellow children youth and family ministers?

Moments of Insight – that moment when you really “got” what youth ministry is all about and why it matters

Faith Practices – your ministry context’s unique way of sharing the gospel through a specific event or faith practice

Video Clips must be less than 2 minutes in length





Bishop Mark Hanson has served as presiding Bishop of the ELCA for the past 12 years. In that time, the ELCA has seen many positive changes. As he and his family discern this next stage in their lives. Well done, good and faithful servant. 


Follow this link for an opportunity to say "Thank you" to Bishop Hanson.   




LOMO has one apprentice hired for the 2013-2014 season (Sept - August), still looking for one more. The apprentice also gets room and meals when groups are present.

LOMO is also in need of some Environmental Education staff; these openings are part-time daily (hourly) or seasonal full time through October with room and board provided.


Congregations looking for youth staff...


  • Ascension Lutheran, Columbus is seeking a permanent part-time youth director. Interviews begin in July with a plan for the selected candidate to begin their ministry on September 1st. More information can be found by clicking on the Job Openings tab (Quick Links Top Left) of the e-bulletin. Interested? Contact Pastor Tim
  • Faith, Whitehall is seeking a part-time Family and Youth Outreach Minister. A main responsibility will be developing and implementing ways for the congregation to connect with the people living within the immediate neighborhood of the church.  For inquiries contact Larry Allen at or call the church at 614-237-4241
  • Christ The King, Centerville is seeking a part-time youth director. Interested contact Christ the King Lutheran Church at 937.885.5785
  • Our Savior, Dayton is seeking a fulltime director of youth & children. The position is full-time, with benefits. Contact Pastor Gary or  937-293-1147 (church office phone)





There are great resources at the ELCA Youth MInistry Network website for all stages of ministry with family and youth and it is free to you at Martin's List.  Over fifteen different categories to choose from. There are lots of requests on our Facebook group for worship, outreach, learning and fellowship ideas. Remember Martin's List to look for ideas in these areas but also to post your resources. The Network that shares is a richer network.    


The ELCA Youth Ministry Network welcomes Trinity Lutheran College in Seattle as our newest silver partner organization! Thanks for your partnership!  Visit Trinity online to find out more about the college and what they offer.  VISIT TRINITY




Lots of people and churches have been posting job opening, descriptions with the ELCA Youth Ministry Newtowrk. Please remember that the Network also has an updated service on the Network website to post positions, job descriptions, and contact information.  Just head over to


Practice Discipleship Seminars


Want a Practice Discipleship Session brought directly to your congregation? Then contact Gary. We would love to help follow up on your New Orleans experience...Or get you started on what is coming out of The ELCA in the area of youth ministry.


Cluster Get Togethers,Training Events for Youth and/or Adults, and Youth Events...

are scheduled as folks raise their hand and say, "Hey, let's do one in my area."  Contact Gary and after a date, time, and location are chosen, he will advertise the event through facebook, youth & family e-bulletins, and hard copy mailings to congregations.


Synod Youth & Family Connections


A. Consider Joining the Synod Youth & Family Ministry Facebook Page

Just for you...a youth and family ministry facebook group page has been created focusing on our favorite topic.  Here's a chance to ask questions, have discussions, and share what you are doing in youth and family ministry to an entire network.

To join, send a request to Gary Pecuch through Facebook or send an email request and Gary will send you an invitation. 


B. Youth & Family E-bulletins are sent out the 1st and 15th of each month


C. A Hard Copy Mailing of Youth & Family Ministry happenings is sent out monthly to congregations 

 Look for the fluorescent Green Flier


D. Visit the Synod Website:  Click on the youth and family ministry tab


E. Connect with Gary directly  or 614-464-3532 extension 110 


Thank you for being a Youth Advocate in your congregation!

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