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February 2014 Note from Bishop Dillahunt

Spring is coming!


In this month's note I want to bring you up-to-date on some things:

-Rostered Leaders please take the Mayo Clinic Health Assessment. It costs nothing and you receive $150 in Wellness Dollars to your Select Debit Card through Portico. As of January 31, 42 people took the assessment (that’s 25.3%). We need 66 more people to take it to reach the 65% goal. We’ve done it the last two years and I’m confident we can do it again this year. I’ve taken mine. Don’t forget to send in those Congregational Reports as well for the Bishop’s report.

-It’s not too late to send in the congregation’s Statements of Intent for 2014. Email, call the synod office or send them snail mail, but send them. Thanks to those of you who have already let us know your intent.

-Thank you to all the congregations who faithfully supported the Synod and ELCA this past year with your Mission Support and offerings.

-At the Synod Council meeting held on February 8, the council voted to set Mission Support to the ELCA at 40%. This is a start….we aren’t where we really need to be…but I am pleased that the council has taken this seriously.

-Thanks to The Rev. Dr. Cheryl Peterson for speaking at the Rostered Leaders Theological Education Day on February 11. We will continue meeting at events such as this to engage in conversation and learning. The next Education Day is on June 6 at Synod Assembly with Dr. Lynn Nakamura. Other relevant workshops will be held on June 6 for everyone in our synod….those attending assembly… and those who just wish to learn and participate in the day’s activities.

-Synodwide Worship at Assembly will begin at 5:00 pm on June 6 at Weaver Chapel and everyone is welcome! The legislative part of Assembly will be on June 7 at Wittenberg University. The theme of Assembly this year is: We are church together.


Bishop Suzanne Dillahunt Signature



Bishop Suzanne D. Dillahunt


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