ASCH Bibliography
The ASCH Bibliography, containing both book and journal articles, is quite inclusive and extensive. This bibliography barely skims the surface of the breadth and depth of literature in the field of hypnosis, but it serves as a valuable resource for those looking to find out more information.
Who updates the ASCH Bibliography?
The Literature Review Task Force advances the awareness and knowledge of hypnosis and the image of ASCH with both the public and professionals through literature.
The purpose of the Literature Review Task Force is to update the ASCH Bibliography and review materials, books, articles, and DVDs to be included in the bibliography.
How do I submit material to the Task Force for review and possible inclusion in the ASCH Bibliography?
Authors need to submit two hard copies of the material to be reviewed to the ASCH office:
529 14th St NW, STE 1280
Washington, DC 20045
Please note: Items will not be returned.
What criteria are reviewers looking for?
The criteria utilized for the review of materials are focused on the value of the material in providing a resource for learning in terms of knowledge, technique, as well as clinical and scientific efficacy of hypnosis. Members of the Task Force use their own judgments as teaching faculty of ASCH and their experience as teachers and what works best as a learning resource in the field of hypnosis.
When will my material get published in the ASCH Bibliography?
A review should not take more than eight weeks to complete. After the review, the Chair will synthesize the Task Forces recommendation and present it to the ASCH Executive Committee for final approval.
The ASCH Executive Committee meets in March and November of each year and any updates to the ASCH Bibliography will be published shortly thereafter.
Who should I speak with if I have any additional questions?
Molly Alton Mullins staffs the Literature Review Task Force and can be reached via phone (410) 940-6585 or by email (