Crew Foreman Awards
Who Should Be the NFBA Crew Foreman of the Month?
How would you like to hand your exceptional Crew Foreman a check for $250 while receiving wide-reaching no-cost promotion for your company?
All you have to do is nominate them for the NFBA Crew Foreman of the Month Award. Each Crew Foreman of the Month Winner not only receives $250 but is also featured in an article in the official magazine of NFBA: National Frame Builder Magazine.
And that's not all - a Crew Foreman of the Year will be selected from the pool of monthly winners and receive $500 in addition to being honored at the annual NFBA Conference and Expo Awards Luncheon. Give your crew foreman the recognition they deserve!
2022 Crew Foreman of the Year
Each year at the NFBA Conference & Expo one crew foreman is recognized as an exceptional leader and employee to such a degree that they are awarded the NFBA Foreman of the Year. The 2022 Foreman of the Year Award was presented to Dylan Vap of Vap Construction, Inc.
Dylan has been an employee at Vap Construction, Inc. for the past 11 years. Dylan stands out with his drive and determination to give every customer the best service possible. He shows examples of determination, trustworthiness, and comradery with his crews. "Dylan's quality control on site has made it so that our crews are more efficient, resulting in little to no visits back to a job site for loose ends or repairs," says Vap's, Shelby Nilson. Dylan is a frequent request of returning customers. "Before Dylan was our crew foreman, he strapped on a tool belt and nail bag every morning to work on our general construction crew. He knows the ins and outs of construction like the back of his hand. Once tasked with becoming the crew foreman of Vap Construction, he quickly rose to the task and learned the ropes. He formed relationships with the crews and the office staff here, bringing everyone together as a cohesive unit. Dylan is a joy to work with, bringing fun into the workplace and hard work onto the job site." - Shelby Nilson
NFBA congratulates Dylan Vap for winning the 2022 NFBA Crew Foreman of the Year!