Complete Story
Larry Stuart, Jr.
With a mission to Change the Way People Think About Funeral Service, Larry has developed a more relevant and effective approach to marketing funeral service to the public, written cremation training curricula and funeral service standard operating best practices, spoken at numerous professional events, and trained and certified thousands of cremation professionals across North America with the ambition to advance the safety and efficiency of their facilities, the safety of their employees and to foster a more positive impact our community and our environment.
Larry is the former owner of Crematory Manufacturing & Service, a leading manufacturer of advanced cremation equipment, a former member of the Board of Directors of CANA, editor-in-chief of The Cremationist magazine published by CANA, and is a Cremation Coach for the International Cemetery, Cremation and Funeral Association.
Preconvention Seminar: Crematory Operator Training
- 1 CE Hour, Ethics
- 4 CE Hours, General
- 2 CE Hours, Laws and Rules (relevant to Ohio and specific to crematory operation)
- In-person participants will receive continuing education credit only through OFDA