
February 23, 2021

Zelle Update - Faster and Emerging Payments (Four Part Series - Session 1)

11:00 am ET/ 10:00 am CT


Keeping up with and understanding  the faster and emerging payment options can be overwhelming!  It can even make you think that waiting or doing nothing is an option.   With both consumer and business customers wanting and expecting faster, easier, slicker and less friction payment options, knowledge is the key.  In this four-part series, we will help you sort through the noise and confusion and come away with a better understanding of solutions that might be a good fit for your environment.  As technology continues to advance, and you prepare to offer, handle, distribute, and support a faster payments environment for your customers, this comprehensive series is exactly what you need to guide you through the hurdles. Don’t risk losing good customers by not meeting their faster payment option expectations.  The specific topic for each quarterly individual session will be announced approximately 30 days prior to session.  


Our speaker this quarter will be Ryan Riveland, Sr. Director of Market Solutions, Early Warning/Zelle

Ryan will be providing a Zelle Update that will include:

  • Zelle Overview & Performance Update
  • Enabled Use Cases and Roadmap (including update on TCH RTP integration)
  • Implementation Options


AAP/APRP credits 1.2

Live Session

11:00 am Eastern Time/ 10:00 am Central Time

Member Price:$200



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