
September 9, 2022

Complimentary Power Hour - Identifying Third-Party Sender Relationships

11:00 am ET/ 10:00 am CT

Identifying Third-Party Sender Relationships

Nacha's Third-Party Sender Registration Rule requires that originating depository financial institutions (ODFI’s) submit and maintain information on every Third-Party Sender with which it maintains a relationship. Identifying Third-Party Sender relationships are also key to ensuring that you have proper risk controls, risk assessments, and agreements are in place. Are you often confused about identifying these important relationships? Join us, as we walk through how to identify a Third-Party Sender and discuss common scenarios involving this relationship.

Areas Covered in this Session:

  • Recognize the differences between a Third-Party Sender and a Third-Party Service Provider.
  • Learn how to identify Third-Party Sender relationships & Nested Third-Party relationships.
  • High-level overview of a Third-Party Sender responsibilities.

AAP / APRP credits 1.2

Members Only 

Please note:

You will NOT receive the handout(s) in advance of the webinar. The GoToWebinar platform does not have a mechanism to attach any handout(s) to their email reminders.  The handout will be available in the Handout section of the GoToWebinar pop-out menu during the webinar and are also distributed via email with the session evaluation after the session.

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