
October 11, 2018
2:00PM - 3:00PM

Complimentary Member Power Hour- Same Day Expansion, What’s Next?

2:00 pm ET/ 1:00 pm CT

The PaymentsFirst Complimentary Members-Only Power Hour Series is available exclusively to you as part of your membership. The Members-Only Webinar series provides members with relevant industry related topics.

This session will provide an update on the current initiatives within the ACH Rules including:

  • DFI to DFI Messaging
  • ACH Quality & Risk Management Request for Comment (RFC) topics
  • ACH Rules Compliance Audit Proposal

Join us as we bring you up-to-date on what is happening next!

Time: 2:00 pm ET, 1:00 pm CT

AAP credits 1.2

Members Only 

Click Here to Register!

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