
September 5 - 6, 2014

Growing in Christ Conference

Challenges and Possibilities for Christian Discipleship

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 50 North Prospect St, Akron

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church invites you to join them in Akron, Ohio, ​for Growing in Christ…a conference exploring ​the challenges and possibilities for ​Christian discipleship​. The dates are September 5 and 6, 2014. This gathering of parents and grandparents, parish educators, youth, youth leaders and clergy will be greeted by a variety of speakers (including our own Gary Pecuch as the keynote speaker), musicians and workshop leaders who can help deepen and enrich the work of raising up the next generation of believers in homes and congregations.

We will talk together, work together, play together, worship and sing together. And we will head for home afterwards better equipped for the discipleship challenges that are before us.​

The attached brochure provides details. Please note that the registration fee ($20 for those ages 13 and over) is inclusive of all materials and meals. Childcare for very young children and a day camp program for elementary age children are offered at no cost.

A registration form is included in the brochure. On-line registration is also available at Just click on the “Growing in Christ” link when you get to the site.

If you have questions about this event or would like further information​, please email or call (330-376-5154).

Growing in Christ Conference brochure 2014

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