

Director of Music Ministry-Part time

Messiah Lutheran Church, Fairview Park, Ohio

  1. Strive with energy and passion to glorify God, encourage the saints, and proclaim the Gospel of Christ through the making of music at Messiah Lutheran Church.


  1. Provide musical leadership at all services on Messiah’s liturgical calendar, including the Saturday evening service. This includes midweek services in Advent and Lent, all Holy Week liturgies (Easter Sunrise excepted), all Christmas liturgies (both Eve and Day), the night of Ascension Day, and Thanksgiving Day. If unavailable due to other professional obligations or agreed-upon vacation days, arrange for a suitable substitute.


  1. Exercise the right of first refusal for all weddings and funerals, arranging for substitutes if desired or required. For weddings, meet with the bride and groom to select music. (Attendance at rehearsals is not expected.)


  1. Work in close consultation with the pastor(s) to plan the liturgical year, selecting hymns and liturgical settings, scheduling choirs, and recruiting other musicians where and as required.


  1. Rehearse and direct Messiah’s adult choir for a nine-month season, September through May.


  1. Supervise Messiah’s bell choir, providing musical leadership and oversight as required.


  1. Coordinate with Messiah School’s Music Teacher to involve the school choir in worship on occasion.


  1. As budgets permit, establish and/or cultivate a network with, hire and prepare professional musicians (brass, timpani, etc.) for service at the festive liturgies on Christmas Eve and Easter Sunday.


  1. Invite, identify, encourage, and utilize musical talents available within the congregation. If and as time permits, seek to establish new choirs or ensembles that will draw members and friends of all ages into Messiah’s music ministry.


  1. Arrange for the tuning and maintenance of all instruments—organ, pianos, keyboards, hand bells—and oversee any and all new acquisitions of musical instruments or equipment. 
  1. Maintain and enhance Messiah’s music library.


  1. Meet with the pastor(s) at least twice a month, on a mutually agreeable schedule, to review and discuss liturgical plans, issues, and problems, if any.


  1. Meet on a bi-monthly basis with the Worship and Music Team for feedback on the music ministry as it unfolds, and on ideas or plans for its furtherance.


  1. Explore ways to use music as a means for evangelical outreach to the wider community that Messiah serves.

Applications accepted through October 15, 2017             


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