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Christmas and Advent communication tools for your congregation from the ELCA

Advent and Christmas Communication Tools from ELCA 2017 


Dear Friends in Christ, 

Advent and Christmas are right around the corner and can be a very busy time in the life of this church. To support your communication needs, we have prepared a number of invitational tools created specifically for congregations. Many people will look for a place to worship this Christmas. Extend a welcoming invitation to your neighbors and community by sharing your worship times and location!  

The Christmas collection is available in English and Spanish and offers customizable posters, post cards, doorhangers and social media. "Let us be your home for the holidays," "This Christmas, there is a place for you here" and more — all concepts include a welcoming invitation for others to come and experience worship at your congregation. Select the creative design that will work best for your congregation. 

Thank you for the work you do each day in your congregation and in your community. Visit often and find links to a variety of tools to help with your communication needs, and continue to send suggestions for other tools that might be good resources for congregations.

May God bless your ministry.


Christiana Jackson-Skelton
Executive Director, Mission Advancement
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

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