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January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month

The Southern Ohio Synod WELCA appointed a committee to help all of us become aware of just how a horrific crime the sex trade is and how we can maybe put a dent into it. Members of the committee include: Waynette Bridwell, Karen Southward, Holly Hunt, Deborah Eltringham, Martha and Sister Sally Burk. 

Each week during January we will be sharing articles on this subject. 

Sister Sally Burk is available to make presentations to your group on this subject and she will challenge you to do something. Email:


+ Did you know our Lord commands us to help others?

Micah 6:8 - act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.


+ Did you know our Lord commands us to speak out for those who cannot speak?

Proverbs 31:8-9 - ...plead the cause of the poor and needy


+ Did you know that human trafficking is the second fastest growing criminal industry in the United States?


+ Did you know that girls as young as 12-14 years old are being solicited?


+ Did you know that there is a national human trafficking hot line to report a suspected case of trafficking at 1-888-3737-888?


+ Did you know that, in 2016, Ohio had the FOURTH highest call volume to this hotline in all 50 states and Washington D.C.?


+ Did you know that it is virtually impossible for a victim to just leave? Their pimps manipulate them and give them drugs and alcohol to control them and threaten their families with death.


+ Did you know that many victims are branded someplace on their body with the name or symbol of their pimp?


+ Did you know that Backpage and smart phones are used to advertise the availability of the girls?


+ Did you know that the girls are recruited at malls, schools, online, at public libraries?


+ Did you know the main reason girls are trafficked is because there is a DEMAND?


+ Did you know is an excellent resource for you to obtain information on this crime?


+ Did you know there is something you can do to stem this crime?


Pray, write to your congress people, read articles, sponsor a billboard with others, and email Sister Sally ( and she will help you know what to do.


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