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Benefit Concert Feb 25th for LSS Faith Mission Homeless Shelter in Columbus

Gethsemane Lutheran Church is hosting a benefit concert Faith Mission Fundraiser-Celebrating Clara Schumann and other Women of Note, which is open to the entire community.  Synchronicity Trio (Bruce Posey, Dick Reuning, Sharon Walton) and guest artist Denise Spires will offer its annual benefit concert for Faith Mission Homeless Shelters ( on Sunday, February 25th at 4:00 pm. 

The concert features classical and contemporary music by Clara Schumann, Amy Beech, Cécile Chaminade, and Columbus area composer Harriet Bolz.  Join us for a diverse and entertaining program, some interesting musical facts, the company of good friends, and a terrific reception with goodies donated by Mozart’s Café and Bakery – all for a freewill donation for a great cause: HELPING THE HOMELESS. What could be better? 

Gethsemane Lutheran is located at 35 E. Stanton Ave, Columbus (

Please download the poster below and share it with your congregation, family and friends.

Faith Mission Fundraiser-Celebrating Clara Schumann and other Women of Note

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