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Invitation to attend 'Storytelling as Evangelism' on April 27-28

The following invitation came to the synod office from our Full Communion Partners of the Episcopal Church. This is a great opportunity to use storytelling in your evangelism efforts and to create connections with our sisters and brothers in Christ in the Episcopal Church. 

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ:

I write to invite you and your affiliated congregations to the upcoming 2018 Brennan Lecture entitled "Storytelling as Evangelism." The event will be facilitated by the Rt. Rev. Porter Taylor at Christ Church, 1215 State St., Bowling Green, on April 27-28. Taylor served as the sixth bishop of the Diocese of Western North Carolina. He also served seven years as rector of St. Gregory the Great Episcopal Church in Athens, Ga. He is the author of "From Anger to Zion: An Alphabet of Faith" (2004) and "To Dream as God Dreams: Sermons of Community, Conversion, and Hope" (2005). He has a Ph.D. in theology and literature from Emory University.

Registration for the event is only $15. For more information and to register, please visit our website here or register below. Saturday lunch is included in registration. If a scholarship is needed, please email me directly at for further registration information. The Brennan lectureship was established through a bequest to provide continuing formation for clergy and interested laypersons.


Please, mark your calendars today, share the news, and make plans to attend!

Faithfully, yours in Christ, 

The Rev. Canon Jason D. Lewis
Canon for Congregational Vitality
Episcopal Diocese of Kentucky

Brennan Lecture April 2018 Bulletin Insert

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