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'Bridges Out of Poverty' workshop on Sept 16 at Advent Lutheran Church

Bridges Out of Poverty explores poverty and the hidden rules of class. The hidden rules of class effect many aspects of life for all of us but especially for those who live at or below the poverty line.  If you want to work with people in poverty or if you simply want a deeper understanding of the issues of poverty this information is eye opening.  We will also explore Toxic Charity and what churches and individuals can do to not only gain a deeper understanding of the challenges of poverty but also ways to create opportunities for change. 

The class will be held on Sunday, September 16 from 5:30-7:30 at Advent Lutheran Church, 3660 Kenny Road, Columbus. 

The class will be led by Pastor Sally Padgett.

There is no registration for this workshop...just show up with a willingness to learn!

Bridges Out of Poverty is sponsored by the SOS Congregational Vitality Team.

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