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'Mission support: The lifeblood of the ELCA'

'Lifeblood' is defined as a 'life-giving, vital, or animating element.' So, why would Living Lutheran magazine use 'lifeblood' to describe mission support? Perhaps because it is an essential outpouring of our life as part of Christ's body or an indicator of how healthy we are as a congregation or member. Without this lifeblood, the reach of the church is limited and weakened, just as a limb in the human body is limited and weakened when it does not receive enough blood flow. 

Living Lutheran's resource study guide provides simple exercises congregations can work through in small groups to identify the factors keeping us from fully participating in God's work in the world. Fall is a great time to begin discussions on stewardship and mission support. Download the Living Lutheran article and study guide below and start talking about the lifeblood of the church.

Living Lutheran Mission Support Discussion Resource 2018

If you want help with ways to discuss and raise awareness of stewardship in your congregation, please contact Pr. Katie Kerrigan, Director for Evangelical Mission, at

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