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Human trafficking: A new perspective

We can have hope. In the recent past we as a society viewed domestic violence differently than we do today! In the same way we now have a more informed perspective on the evil of human trafficking. The news media and politicians are giving more focus on the subject. We are more attuned to what is going on in this area especially in our schools and communities. No one grows up saying I want to be a prostitute. In law and society human trafficking has become much more unacceptable. Although it is a slow process, individuals and groups are joining together to make a difference.

The churches are a primary source to organize against trafficking. In the last couple of weeks newsletters you have read about the formation of our enLIGHTen Committee. Has your church had (1) a speaker on the subject, (2) made Comfort Bags to be handed out to women on the streets through the Salvation Army or (3) participated in the SOAP Project (Save Our Adolescents from Prostitution).

Demand increases when sporting events come to the area and the best opportunity in the very near future is to help on February 16. The SOAP project includes a session on human trafficking, wrapping soap bars with a toll free number and taking the soap to hotels. Girls have been rescued by calling this number! Sign up at Let me know if you are participating - Martha Burk (614) 337-1945

Event: S.O.A.P. Up the Arnold Classic

Saturday, February 16, 2019
9:30 am - 3 pm EST
Martin De Porres Center
2330 Airport
Columbus, OH 43219

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