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Your money at work: Right here, right now

The recently published videos from the Stewardship Team created tremendous response from those who have viewed them. Why? They speak clearly and in the voices of those who are directly impacted by the mission support dollars your congregation sends to the synod, and the synod sends to Churchwide. Your contributions to your congregation have an infinite ripple effect, impacting lives in ways you can’t even imagine.

Pr. Henry Zorn of Lutheran Church of the Resurrection shared this comment and suggestions as to how to share the videos and stories in your congregation.

“I love, love, love the synod mission videos that were released in the synod e-blast this week! I have forwarded them to LCR's Council President. Mission Interpreter, and Stewardship Committee chair with the suggestion that we use them:

1) To open and close our annual congregational meeting. What better way to answer the question, what happens to all those dollars we send to the synod?

2) During worship as a mission moment temple talk. The 3-7 minute duration is perfect for that.

3) In adult SS (Sunday School) to open conversation on mission topics.

4) At our Church Council meetings so that our Council is educated.”

Remember, mission support is only a portion of what you already give to your congregation. Whenever you increase your giving to your congregation, you allow your congregation to pass on a bit more to the synod who then passes on 40% of those contributions to the ELCA Churchwide organization. This is your money at work, right here, right now.

How might your congregation share the content of the mission support in action videos?

Check out the videos now!

Transitions can make or break an organization. With the guidance and assistance of the Synod, congregations make plans for their future that include God's vision for them and the leader God has prepared to lead them into that future.

2019 SOS Stewardship Campaign Video - The Call Process from Southern Ohio Synod, ELCA on Vimeo.


In four years a lot can change...our campus ministries' goal is to change hearts and minds to seek & find Jesus.

2019 SOS Campaign Video 2 - Campus Ministry from Southern Ohio Synod, ELCA on Vimeo.


Our multi-cultural congregations come together because of their commonality--language and the Gospel. The word of God is spoken here and the message is clear...we love because He first loved us.


When you're bold enough to seek, prepare to be guided in a direction you never expected. God makes us stronger and better together. 

2019 SOS Stewardship Campaign Video 4 - Stronger and Better Together from Southern Ohio Synod, ELCA on Vimeo.


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