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Week 3 of Advent & Christmas Eve/Day Videos and other lectionary topic videos available to SOS Congregations free of charge!

A new worship video library – open to all congregations – is now available on YouTube thanks to the creativity and generosity of Pastor Joe Wolf (St. John’s, Lithopolis).

The videos are designed to be relevant to each week’s appointed lectionary readings and themes, and are intended for use in worship as openings, transitions, offertories, reflections, or in conjunction with scripture readings. Music is often current – sometimes traditional. Occasionally a poem is used.

More than 50 videos are already in the library and more will be added each week., such as this recent posting, which could be used on the 3rd Sunday of Advent in conjunction with the reading from Isaiah 35:1-10.

Here's a direct link to the Christmas Eve/Christmas Day worship video:

You are welcome to explore the channel and download any videos you want to use to help enliven your worship. Links to the most recent individual videos will be posted weekly on the Synod's website in the “worship resources” section (found in the “Rostered Ministers” tab).

To get access to Pastor Wolf’s full library of worship videos, just link to one of the above weekly videos on his YouTube channel, then click on the “Subscribe” button and follow the prompts for becoming a subscriber.

Again, the videos are all available for your use without charge thanks to Pastor Wolf, who is collaborating with the Synod to help us fulfill goal #5 of the Thrive! campaign, which is to “Enhance Worship Practice. Watch for more opportunities to enhance your worship life in the months to come!

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