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Mission Support Monthly E-news 3.10.20


Thank you for responding gratefully to what God has first given us. All that we do is a response to God’s grace. Everything we are, have, and use comes from God. Best of all, God gives the gift of Jesus Christ and the community of believers, it all begins with God. Our confession of faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior is not of our doing. Grateful stewards put God first.

“… but they gave themselves first to the Lord.” - 2 Corinthians 8:5



The 19th century saw two institutions of Lutheran higher education established in Ohio - Capital University, chartered by the state on March 12, 1850, and Wittenberg University, chartered on March 11, 1845. Capital was an outgrowth of the Lutheran Theological Seminary established in 1830. Thank you for your mission support which includes these fine institutions.



The Cincinnati Conference congregations are participating in a Lenten Offering Challenge to support our Latinx ministry at Vida Eterna Iglesia Luterana (VEIL).  VEIL’s ministry is with and among our local Latino population. The ELCA has discerned a call to respond to God’s invitation to support immigrants, including a national strategy to “Accompany Migrant Minors with Protection, Advocacy, Representation and Opportunities (AMMPARO)”.   VEIL allows us to “put flesh” on those hopes at a local level. How are your Conference congregations partnering and sharing resources to support ministries in your area?  #SOSStrongerAndBetterTogether



Thank you for all congregations that have submitted mission support pledge cards for FY2020-21. If your congregation has not yet done so, please send in your pledge card to our DEM, Pastor Katie Kerrigan, or email to


#strongertogether #bettertogether #sosynod #sosmissionterritory

#sosmissionmoment #stewardshipmoment


Please download and share this issue of the SOS Mission Support News with your congregation.

Mission Support Newsletter 031020


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