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A note from Bishop Dillahunt: March 12, 2020 Guidance and clarification regarding the COVID-19 virus

Dear Partners in the Gospel,

Psalm 121 reminds us, ‘I lift my eyes to the hills from where is my help to come? My help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth.’ I encourage you to read the entire Psalm.

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine’s order today banning public gatherings over 100 people is causing confusion and concern in regard to worship and other Lenten gatherings. The intent of this message is to provide you, as a rostered leader, with facts, guidance and an opportunity to ask questions as you and your leadership team determine what’s next for your congregation.

On Monday, March 16 from 1-2 pm, I invite you to join me for a conference call to ask questions, express concerns and connect with the Bishop’s office at a time when many leaders may feel isolated. I, along with my staff and a health care expert, will be on hand to answer your questions. Call in information regarding this event will be sent in a separate communication. Please check your email so you don’t miss this invitation. Please send your questions in advance to Susan Barton-Nonno, Director of Communications, at by Monday, March 16 at 11 am.

Until then, here is what you need to know so you can continue to lead in a manner worthy of the Gospel in your congregation.

The governor’s order does NOT apply to religious organizations. At this time, worship services may be held without violating this order. I am asking you to remain faithful and nimble at this time of crisis. As Pastors and Deacons you may choose and decide to cancel mid-week Lenten services or worship services for the next two weeks. You know the congregation and its members, friends and visitors. You know your community. Do what is best to keep the community healthy.

As you make these decisions, do not make them alone. Makes sure the Church Council and leaders make these decisions together for what is best for your community of faith and the community in which you live as the Body of Christ.

If you and the congregational council choose to worship, please keep in mind what the Ohio Department of Health suggests. Here are 5 things you can do to help limit the spread of the COVID-19 virus, while still being Christ’s presence in your community.

COVID-19 Checklist for Faith Based Organizations

Practically, what does this look like…

  1. Spread out in the sanctuary. Keep a 3-6 foot distance between people not in the same family
  2. Share the peace with others verbally or in some other way that does not involve handshakes or hugs
  3. Consider a Service of the Word, rather than a Service of Holy Communion
  4. Offer hand sanitizer to members and encourage it’s use before, during and after the service
  5. Prop sanctuary doors open to limit the number of people touching handles
  6. Connect with members using phone calls, emails, text messages or video based calls
  7. Record services and post on your website for members to view later
  8. Live stream services via Facebook or other mediums (make sure all music used in the service is properly licensed as always)
  9. Create and distribute devotions and prayers to keep your people connected and focused on their faith during this time of crisis
  10. Continue to check in on the elderly members of your congregations
  11. Share ideas and resources with other congregations in your area


Above all, stay calm and make decisions based on sound protocol that protects the health and safety of your members. Your members need you to be a Christ-like presence during this time of crisis. Help them navigate through the fear with prayerful and well-planned actions and words.

Here are links to some helpful resources from the ELCA you can use with your planning team.


Please check your email, the SOS Facebook page, and the SOS website regularly for updates and guidance from the various sources impacting how we function as a community of believers.


Together in Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior,

Bishop Dillahunt



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