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How to live stream worship: 5 simple steps to get you started now

As many of our congregations are looking for ways to conduct worship services, but still keep people safe from exposure to the COVID-19 virus, Josh Brodbeck, our SOS Worship Director, offers the following 5 simple steps to get your worship service online now.

5 Simple Steps to Live Stream Your Worship Service


  1. Find a camera-This could be anything from a smartphone or laptop, or if you have one, a professional camcorder.


  1. Create decent lighting- Make sure you have appropriate light so people can clearly see the service. Not the time for a candlelight service.


  1. Conduct a test- Test your camera to make sure the spoken word and music are at the right volume levels.


  1. Select a live streaming service- There are many subscriptions out there that cater to live streaming worship. However, because most of us will only need to do this for a short time, I am focusing on the free services. 

YouTube Live: Everyone with an internet connection can view

Facebook Live: Must have a Facebook account to view


  1. Obey copyright laws- Make sure you have appropriate licenses if using music and texts outside the public domain. CCLI (Christian Copyright Licensing International) is a great resource. One License and Augsburg Fortress are offering free licensing until mid-April. Check their websites for details.


If you want to continue to live stream worship services going forward as an added way for people to connect with your congregation, check out the How to stream your worship service — A starter guide from the ELCA.


Let us know if you decide to try live streaming! Share your comments below.


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