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Sustain the Flame! TLS Summer Seminary Sampler is still going strong...

Every weekday from June 8th-12th, Trinity Lutheran Seminary and Capital University’s Center for Faith and Learning are featuring conversations between some of our best faculty and experts from across the church that explore discovering, discerning, developing, and deciding the next steps in your vocational journey.

Each day at Noon Eastern Standard Time, you can watch them live on

Hosted by Pastor Drew Tucker, University Pastor and Director for the Center for Faith and Learning, and Ms. Gabrielle Saunders-Hudecek, Assistant Director of Admission, convene these conversations to help you better comprehend where God’s at work in your life now and what steps you’re empowered to take next.

Some of our guests will include:

Rachel Alley, ELCA Program Director for Youth Ministry

Savanna Sullivan, ELCA Program Director for Young Adult Ministry

Rev. Kelly Bayer-Derrick, Assistant to the Bishop of the Virginia Synod ELCA

Gary Pecuch, Youth and Family Ministry Coach of the Southern Ohio Synod ELCA

Dr. Nate Jackson, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Capital University

…and many more!


There will even be a live chat option to ask questions of the hosts so you can get answers to your specific questions and allow us to address your particular needs. Join us for this engaging, conversational experience. We’re excited to be a part of your vocational journey.

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