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'Common Good' theme for Synod Stewardship Team's fall kickoff! Stories start on 8.13.20!

First Corinthians 12:7 reads, “ To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.” The Synod Stewardship Team decided this would be the theme verse literally right before everything went into lockdown because of the pandemic – we received texts about the “extended spring break” schools had at the end of our meeting!

In the months since, it has become apparent how important the common good is. God’s design that we should all use our gifts to care for one another has rarely been made more apparent than these past months when we have had to work together, risk, and sacrifice for the health and safety of all. It has become increasingly clear that we are stronger and better together – in our congregations, as a synod, as communities, as a world.

So in the weeks ahead, Synod Stewardship will tell stories of the ways people have used their gifts for the common good. We hope they inspire and encourage you.

Have a story to share? Send it and a few pictures to



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