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Youth & Family In-Person Gatherings during COVID-19

Covid-19 To Form or Not to Form? That is the question 

As we traverse the ever-changing world of in-person ministry to young people during a pandemic, I noticed school systems are requiring parents to sign disclosure forms related to covid-19 and in-person school gatherings, specifically for extra-curricular activities.

I want to raise the question for you as to whether or not you should create such a form. Of course, the final authority on the topic is your insurance company.

If your insurance company suggests you do create such a form, I compiled a couple of documents that you can use as a starting point.

The compiled documents are not templates to adopt as is, but rather, ideas and wording to help you think through what your church would like to include in its own document.

The documents are a cumulation of school system materials and various church related permission forms. It is most likely way more than you wish to include, but that decision is left up to you.

Instead of creating a separate specific detailed form, you may simply wish to add a paragraph to your current emergency medical release form.

I also attached the document that LOMO uses, which may contain wording appropriate for your setting. As in all cases, I would advise starting and ending by checking with your insurance agent. Make sure you follow all insurance company guidelines and suggested wording of documents. Also make sure you have the blessing of your church leadership.

Let's make good decisions as we contemplate the gathering of our young people on our church properties.

--Gary Pecuch, SOS Youth and Family Ministry Coach


Youth & Family Activities COVID-19 Agreement Form

COVID-19 Disclosure Form



These forms are housed in the COVID-19 Resources Section of our website under "Planning for What's Next" > "ELCA/SOS Best Practices".

They can also be accessed in the Youth & Family Ministry section of the website under Forms.


Need some ideas for Youth & Family Faith Formation activities that folks can do at home? Check out our story about just that very topic! 

Sunday School must go on…Your guide to Faith Formation during COVID-19 and beyond




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