Complete Story


Common Good Story #5: When ideas and talents align...


A new-to-the-Synod pastor and a lay person serving on a Synod team floated the same great idea...and the Vibrant Church Conference was born! Pastor Dan Hille of Faith Lutheran Church, Columbus and Ben Morris of Lutheran Church of the Resurrection, Cincinnati and a lay member of the Synod’s Congregational Vitality Team, suggested—independently of each other—an annual training conference of workshops for congregational lay leaders. Since this was very much in accordance with the Synod Bishop's Office long-term vision and Goal #1 of our Thrive! Campaign, Bishop Dillahunt recruited a few more people to help plan the first conference for Fall 2020. This team of dedicated lay and rostered leaders were working out the final details when the pandemic struck, so they did what nimble and entrepreneurial leaders do—they pivoted! It became a monthly series of online workshops beginning this fall, with the first topics intended to meet needs that were particularly heightened by the pandemic: Digital Ministry, Christmas during COVID, and a workshop to introduce congregational leaders to The Art of Neighboring, a wonderful resource to build congregational vitality through stronger connections with neighbors and community. Our presenters are, for the most part, drawn from our Synod’s lay and rostered leaders who generously share their gifts. Winter/Spring offerings are already planned. We are just about to kick off with our first workshop, and over 70 people are registered!

We hope to hold in-person conferences in the future to celebrate and encourage the many lay people who lead and participate in our synod’s congregational ministries—they are the lifeblood of our congregations and the most visible representation of the priesthood of all believers. The Vibrant Church Conference is just one of the many ways the people of our Synod have used their gifts and creativity for the common good – and another way we are stronger and better together!


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