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Come be a part of the 2020 National Lutheran Choir!

Your virtual voice and face are invited to be a part of the 2020 National Lutheran Choir as part of the 2020 Virtual Christmas Festival - "The Incarnation: Healing for the World!"

The National Lutheran Choir extends a special invitation to you to be a part of the NLC assembly for the 2020 Virtual Christmas Festival - "The Incarnation:  Healing for the World".  This will be a virtual program released on December 11, 2020.  Because we are not limited to being in person for this choir--We want you to sing with us!

We are all grieving the inability to form assemblies and sing together - something not only Lutherans hold so dear.  However, for a particular part of the National Lutheran Choir's Christmas program,  since it is virtual,  we would like to expand our sense of community by including video/audio faces singing "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" from, well, just about anywhere.  

Normally that point in our program is one that evokes much emotion - so many people joyfully singing together with the thunderous organ as the choir processes - and this year does not need to be an exception to that part of the program!

Here's how to participate...

1.  With headphones or earbuds connected to a computer (so that your smart phone doesn't hear and record), listen to the provided soundtrack and follow the music to sing along with, 

Materials and instructions (including links for uploading the completed video) can be found here:


2.  with a smartphone, record as video using your phone's mic and camera.  

3.  Then "share" the video to the location provided in the instructions (on the link above).  Once you click that link, there is a "box" and you just drag the file in and let it do the work.

Questions may be directed to David Cherwien ( or Kristin Rongstad at the National Lutheran Choir office,



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