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Concerned about the impact of COVID on end-of-year giving?

How will COVID impact the end-of-year generosity that we have come to rely on? How will giving be impacted by our inability to come together for in-person worship at Christmas? 

Pastor Mike Ward offers both reassurance and solid, practical strategies to enhance opportunities for generosity and engagement with your members in this last month of 2020. Watch his Zoom webinar from November 18 titled, End of Year Generosity, and put into action the practical and proven methods shared. Sample letters, Pr. Ward's slides and the video are available for you to watch and share below. 

It's not too late to engage with your members, including those who have joined you online since March. Watch the webinar today!

This material is made possible by the generosity of SOS members through the Thrive Campaign.

End Of Year Generosity Letters 11.18.20

End Of Year Giving PPTs 11 2020




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