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Introducing the PAROCHIAL REPORT SUPER BOWL! Players needed!



Starting today through noon, Saturday, February 6, 2021 the Southern Ohio Synod takes on the rest of the ELCA Region 6 synods to see who will take home the (not-yet) coveted Parochial Report trophy!

We need all of our team members (congregations) to get your head in the game and give it your all by filling in the parochial/congregational report from the ELCA and submitting it online to the ELCA by noon on Saturday, February 6.

The winning synod (sure to be the SOS with your help!) will be announced at half-time during the Super Bowl LV game on Sunday, February 7.

Why the challenge? Your congregation’s stats determine how mission dollars are distributed to synods; how many voting members each synod can send to the ELCA Churchwide Assembly, and more! Your numbers count…so step up and be counted! Let’s show the other synods why SOS is the best synod in our region (and the ELCA)! Go TEAM SOS!

Click the URL to start entering your congregation data now!

This just in...

Update from the ELCA Churchwide Organization on calculating attendance during the pandemic: We have discovered an error in the formula proposed in 7.c. for calculating average attendance. It does not accurately render an average for those congregations that had Sundays with “hybrid” (on-site + online) worship. Congregations should calculate the averages for on-site and online separately in 7.a. and 7.b. The combined average will be ignored this year, and will not appear on the congregation’s trend report.

Don’t know your Login or Password info? Contact Josh Brodbeck, Synod Administrator, at



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