Complete Story


Full Disclosure—Scrapping ‘How we’ve always done it’

Full disclosure: I’m splitting attention to this (conference) with preparing our Annual Report book and this has provided constant reminders that this isn’t just a numbers and facts report; we need to tell the story of how ministry still happened during 2020. So, the entire “how we’ve always done it” got scrapped and we’re putting together 2020 by the numbers, including quotes from people who love to serve, and adding in narrative to explain our ministry priorities & how we’re living them out through our budget.  -Pr. Rebecca Grate, St. Paul, Westerville

Pr. Grate pretty much summed up the 2021 Rostered Minister Gathering. The pandemic forced the planning team to scrap the way we’ve always done it and reimagine a gathering where rostered ministers from around the state could still feel connected while they heard about real ways to approach generosity in their congregation. No easy task, but based on feedback from participants, mission accomplished.

If you believe an online conference doesn't connect people or create community...think again. By random assignment in a small group session, I met and reconnected with a person from a congregation that I was part of 30ish years ago.  -Deacon Diane Schwiger-Alexander, Christ, Bexley

Pr. Mike Ward presented on the key topics of generosity and abundance, but from the standpoint that it is all grounded in the stories of what God is up to in our ministries with a hope that leaders would discover new ways to approach this ministry. Pr. Dave Schull noted, ‘I’ve never felt like I had much to offer the stewardship team before. The focus of this event on getting donors captured by clear visions of what their financial gifts might offer is tangible and it might actually excite me and others about ministry.’

Our Bible Study, led by Bishop Laura Barbins of the Northeastern Ohio Synod, focused on Midrash (a form of storytelling) and connected to stories from the Bible on abundance. Dean Kit Kleinhans of Trinity Lutheran Seminary shared, ‘Bible study focus on stories of abundance really connected well to underscore that Mike’s presentations aren’t just about money but about response to God’s abundance.’

Others commented about the implications for outreach and encouraging current members through the stories of God’s work through congregational ministries.

This event is made possible in partnership with the ELCA Mission Investment Fund and the generous mission support of congregations across all three of Ohio’s synods. We are excited for the energy and enthusiasm this event brought to participants, even during a pandemic.

To learn more about rethinking how you and your congregation have always done stewardship, check out Pr. Mike Ward’s book, Abundance: Creating a Culture of Generosity, available on Augsburg Fortress Publishing and Amazon websites.


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