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Use your social media influence for good--by sharing the Gospel through ‘Social Ministry’

Understanding how to navigate the church in a pandemic is a challenge. Adapting and improving the way to lead during this season is a must. Bishop Gregory Palmer’s Leadership Clinics are live, online webcast opportunities to give you access to leadership insights from local, national, and global leaders. These proven influencers will challenge and inspire you, regardless of your title or position. You’ll have the opportunity not only to hear from these leaders, but also to have some of your questions answered. Each clinic contains live training, followed by an interview, and then Q&A from you, the audience.

Rostered Ministers and lay leaders from the Southern Ohio Synod are invited by Bishop Gregory Palmer, from the West Ohio Conference of the United Methodist Church, to participate in the March 4, 2021 Leadership Clinic featuring Nona Jones, author of ‘From Social Media to Social Ministry.’


More about the March Leadership Clinic guest:

Nona Jones is an author, speaker, and head of Faith-Based Partnerships at Facebook. An expert in expanding the influence of the Gospel through social technology, she coined the term ‘Social Ministry,’ and partners with churches and ministries to help them fulfill the Great Commission through digital impact. Her new book is titled, ‘From Social Media to Social Ministry.’


The clinic is $40 and you must pre-register.

March 4, 2021
10 am-12 pm

Register today at


A special thank you to our friends at the UMC West Ohio Conference for extending this invitation to learn how to embrace and conquer the challenges we face during this time in history.



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