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From the Southern Ohio Synod Middle East Task Force--A Conference Call on Wednesday, July 30, Dealing with the Current War Between Israel and Hamas in Gaza is Open to Everyone

Jewish Council on Public Affairs/IAN Teleconference with Yossi Alpher 

Yossi Alpher is a writer and consultant on regional strategic issues, and director of the Political Security Domain (PSD), an independent NGO. He has served as director of the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies, as director of the American Jewish Committee's office in Jerusalem. While at the Jaffee Center, he coordinated and coedited the JCSS research project on options for a Palestinian settlement, and produced "The Alpher Plan" for an Israeli-Palestinian final settlement. He has also co-founded, with a Palestinian partner, a website addressing issues relating to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and peace process. Since 1992, he has coordinated several Track II dialogues between Israelis and Arabs. In July 2000, he served as special adviser to the prime minister of Israel, concentrating on the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

Yossi Alpher also provides commentary for Americans for Peace Now, and is a regular commentator for APN conference calls. His postings are available at Americans for Peace Now under the title of Hard Questions, Tough Answers. Alpher is a careful, critical analyst who works for a peaceful resolution of the Israeli – Palestinian conflict.

Call-in Details:

Wednesday, July 30, at 2:00 pm (Eastern)

From U.S./Canada: 800-399-0118 (no conference ID is needed for guests)

From Israel: Toll free 1809457877 or 1809315362; Conference ID 80428206

Pr. Skip Cornett
Chair, SOS Middle East Task Force
Ohio Coordinator, Churches for Middle East Peace

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