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Email from Bishop Eaton, Presiding Bishop of the ELCA, Regarding Your Participation in 'God's Work, Our Hands' Sunday, Sept 7

Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,

Thank you for considering participation in the "God's work. Our hands." Sunday, Sept. 7, 2014. Whether we plant gardens in urban communities, write letters to soldiers and veterans or serve meals to people and families who are food insecure, we dedicate this day to be church together – as the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America – for the sake of the world.

It's not too late to plan your participation in this dedicated day of service! Here’s how I'm planning to spend the day.

Watch video

To help guide your congregation’s planning download a toolkit, bulletin insert and flyer at T-shirts are once again available from Old Lutheran to help increase the visual impact across the ELCA.

Excited about your congregation’s service activities? The toolkit offers a special media outreach section to pitch your story with local newspaper, television and radio outlets. Advocacy is also part of our call to discipleship. Visit to learn how we can use "our voices" to make positive changes in the world.

Sign up your congregation for the day of service at

Shortly after Sept. 7, please share stories about your congregation's participation. Send your stories and photos to, so that together we can celebrate what God accomplishes through you.

As we serve together during "God's work. Our hands." Sunday, we are witnesses to the love of God who knows and loves each one of us.

In gratitude to God and in service to others, go in peace.


Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton
Presiding Bishop
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

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