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BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD (BCBS) Provider Antitrust Settlement Webinar
In 2024, a settlement was reached in a long-running class action lawsuit against Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) brought by physicians, hospitals, large health systems, and provider organizations. The lawsuit alleged a range of antitrust violations by BCBS, including price fixing and allocating markets using exclusive service areas.
Under the settlement agreement, Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans have agreed to implement changes that will benefit physicians and other providers by increasing transparency, efficiency, and accountability in claims processing, including the process of BlueCard claims.
If you or your business provided health care services, equipment, or supplies to Blues Plan enrollees, anytime from July 24, 2008, to October 4, 2024, you may be eligible to submit a claim for your share of the $2.8 billion Provider Settlement. The settlement is the largest antitrust settlement in the history of the U.S. healthcare sector.
The Provider Settlement claims period is open until July 29, 2025. The deadline to opt out of the settlement is March 4, 2025.
Attorneys with Whatley Kallas LLP (Plaintiff Representatives) will hold a FREE Webinar on provider eligibility and how to submit claims: BCBS Provider Settlement - Medical Professionals/Groups Claims Webinar - FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, Noon to 1 PM EST (9 AM to 10 AM PST). For more information about the settlement and to register for the Webinar, go to To register for the Webinar, Click the Webinars link at the top of the page.