
Each year about 1,000 communication professionals gather to celebrate the best in communication research, teaching, learning, and advocacy.


Our journals are committed to publishing high-quality, original scholarship.

Interest Groups

CSCA conducts its business and sponsors convention programs and panels through its Interest Groups, Caucuses, and Sections representing the different discipline emphases of the membership.


The mission of Central States Communication Association (CSCA) is to unite and educate people with both an affinity to the central region of the United States and a scholarly interest in all areas of communication for promotion of their mutual goals and advancement of their field.

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CSCA ... Call for Graduate Student Reviewers for Communication Studies - Updated Link

Communication Studies is launching a 3rd Reviewer Student Program. This program is intended for advanced PhD students to learn how the publishing process works from an insider perspective and to gain experience reviewing manuscripts

CSCA Journal of Communication Pedagogy Call for Editor

The Central States Communication Association (CSCA) is seeking nominations for the Editor of Journal of Communication Pedagogy, 2026-2028. The next editor responsible will begin with the volume published in 2026; this will necessitate a transition to the editorship and training in 2025. Self-nominations are encouraged. To be considered, nominees should be housed at a program that will offer the necessary support.

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 June 2024 

None at this time.