Exhibitor Information


For the


Hilton Cincinnati Netherland Plaza

Exhibit Hall: April 3 - 5, 2025

Are you looking to get your name, your book, your services, or your product in front of over 700 teachers, researchers, or other communication professionals? Listed below are a variety of opportunities we have arranged for you.

Of course, we are always open to other great sponsorship ideas! If you are interested in something not listed here, please reach out to Executive Director Tiffany Wang (csca.ed@gmail.com).

Remember, opportunities are first-come, first serve – and space is limited!

Please review and follow the convention hotel guidelines outlined below:

CLICK HERE to submit your request(s).


Display Booth/Table at the Convention Exhibit Hall ... *Reservations are CLOSED for the Exhibit Hall

  • One Table - $25        
  • Two Tables - $50
  • Three Tables - $75

Each table includes two chairs.

  • Display of individual titles with Order Form - $100/title (one to three sample books for each title should be sent to convention hotel – details will be included with purchase)

The Exhibit Hall will be open during the following days and times:

Thursday, April 3 (9:00 AM-5:00 PM)
Friday, April 4 (9:00 AM-5:00 PM)
Saturday, April 5 (9:00 AM-2:00 PM)

Shipping Receiving Information

2025 President’s Undergraduate Honors Research Conference

*Reservations are CLOSED for the Graduate Program Exhibits

  • Graduate Program Exhibit table, for CSCA Department Members: $50
  • Graduate Program Exhibit table, for Non-CSCA Department Members: $175
    • With the $175.00 fee, a complimentary departmental membership will be offered.

NOTE: Usually over 100 students attend the graduate fair. The fair will be held on Saturday afternoon at the convention from 11:30 am-1:30 pm. To ensure availability, reserve your table once exhibit submissions open.

Reception Recognition and Sponsorship

The events below draw significant audiences and will help you to gain recognition with CSCA members. Additionally, sponsoring these sessions is a great way to show your support to CSCA and the discipline.

We will make sure any reception supporters are well-recognized at the convention with a program advertisement, prominent poster or banner placement at the event, and announcements at the sponsored event and the annual business/awards luncheon. Please make all arrangements for sponsorships with the Executive Director.

All sponsors will also be listed on the CSCA website with a university or company logo, if provided.

  • Welcome Reception (Thursday): $5,000
    • CSCA is known for its amazing opening receptions. You will be loved and appreciated for sponsoring this event!
  • Annual Awards Luncheon (Friday): $7,500 sole sponsor (features bonus promotion and free full-page program ad), $2,000 co-sponsor
  • President’s Reception (Saturday): $6,500  
  • Coffee Breaks: $1,000 each (includes bonus mini-ad in the program and additional promotion)
  • Conference Materials (includes advertiser or university logo or product): $2,500 
  • Badges: $500 SOLD
  • Ribbons: $250 each ribbon (includes sign recognition at registration table)
    • Publishers: Recognize your authors! Contact us about custom ribbon options that will let people know a convention attendee has authored or edited a book with your company. Prices start as low as $100!
  • Lanyards with logo display: $2,000
  • Sponsorship of a Pre-Conference or Spotlight Panel: Please contact us.
    • Usually sponsorship of one of these events involves providing refreshments, materials, or small gifts.

Printed Program Advertising

*Program Advertising has CLOSED

Our program is a beautiful, high-quality 8.5 x 11" professionally designed book.
There is no better way to ensure that your school, company, or product will be seen!

  • Half page ad: 7" x 4 3/4"  $325 (Digital Color & Print Black & White)
  • Full page ad: 7" x 9 1/2"  $475 (Digital Color & Print Black & White)
  • Inside back cover: 7" x 9 1/2"  $750 (Digital & Print Color)
  • Inside front cover: 7" x 9 1/2"  $750 (Digital & Print Color) SOLD
  • Back cover: 7" x 9 1/2"  $850 (Digital & Print Color)

** Please note that the advertisement will appear in color in the online PDF version of the program and in black and white in the printed version of the program. Please submit ad copy in a high resolution color PDF file with all fonts embedded absolutely no later than 1/31/2025 to kristina.scharp@rutgers.edu. All files should be 300 dpi at the size of the advertisement. CSCA does not design program ads. The person reserving the advertisement is solely responsible for all copy submitted. The only exception is banner ads -- for these ads, CSCA will handle all design. 

Please contact Kristina Scharp, Exhibits Hall Manager (kristina.scharp@rutgers.edu) with any questions about these opportunities.

Banner ad: A special opportunity for deans, department chairs, or colleagues! Provide a small shout-out embedded right into the conference program for any top paper/panel award winner. In addition to highlighting a top paper recipient, an icon representing their university will be featured. Only $25! Please contact Tiffany Wang, csca.ed@gmail.com, with any questions.

CLICK HERE to submit your request(s).