“Emergency Care for America's Heroes”

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PR and Advocacy Committee Updates

Ever wonder how you can participate in political advocacy as a military physician?  You might be surprised by how much you can be involved in the process!  This document can serve as a guideline to help you get started in your advocacy journey.

What is ACEP Council?
The ACEP Council is the voice of ACEP’s members.  The council consists of members representing ACEP’s 53 chartered chapters including one for each of the 50 states, Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia and Government Services along with its sections of membership including the Association of Academic Chairs in Emergency Medicine (AACEM), the Council of Emergency Medicine Residency Directors (CORD), the Emergency Medicine Residents' Association (EMRA) and the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM).

Each year the Council elects members to the Board of Directors and ensures "grassroots" involvement in the democratic decision-making process.

The council meets once a year for two days in conjunction with the College’s annual Scientific Assembly and votes on resolutions that may be introduced by any member. The Council also votes on proposed changes to the organization’s bylaws. The Resolutions debated at Council help set policy and the agenda for the actions of the College in the upcoming years.  Any issue that impacts our members and the practice of emergency medicine can be brought as a resolution and debated for the good of our members. 

GSACEP has submitted two Resolutions to the ACEP Council this year for consideration and debate by the ACEP Council.  The resolutions can be found by following the links below:

State Support for Scope Expansion Advocacy

Physician Led Team Training

Interested in getting involved in advocacy? Reach out to your PR & Advocacy committee leaders - Torree McGowan (toreemcg@me.com) and Justine Stremick (jstremic@gmail.com

One of the easiest ways to support emergency medicine is to donate to NEMPAC, the National Emergency Medicine Political Action Committee.  If every EM physician gave just $5, emergency medicine would have the loudest voice in Washington.  What can you give for the future of emergency care for our patients?  Click here to learn more and donate today. https://www.acep.org/nempac

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