NYSPMA Leadership Roster

Board of Trustees

Division Presidents

NYSPMA members participate in Association programs through 13 local divisions, each with its own officers and monthly programs. These divisions elect members to a House of Delegates that meets each year to set policies and directions for the profession in New York State. These delegates in turn elect 4 officers and 9 additional trustees who govern the Association between annual meetings.

NYSPMA is divided, based on geography, into unincorporated component groups or Divisions, each is composed of one or more contiguous counties. Through Divisions, members in close geographic proximity can work together to promote the Mission of this Association


Awards and Recognition Committee

The Committee shall be charged with reviewing and making selections from member submissions for the Association’s recognition awards

Dr. Zerah Ali, Chair
Western Division

Budget and Finance

The Committee shall assist the Treasurer in reviewing quarterly the financial reporting of the Association, review the proposed annual budget and evaluate the financial impact of any resolutions or policy changes.

Dr. Emilio Goez, Chair
Bronx Division


The Committee shall assist the Board of Trustees and the House of Delegates in the interpretation of the Association bylaws, act as a reference committee for all proposed amendments and/or revisions to these Bylaws and review amendments to the constitution and bylaws of the state’s component divisions.

Dr. Nicholas Argerakis, Chair
New York Division


The Committee shall address ethical problems, complaints or occurrences in consultation with the Association’s legal counsel. The chair shall be appointed by the President.

Dr. Sandro Frasca, Chair
Kings Division


The Committee shall develop questionnaires for use by the Board of Trustees in evaluating all paid consultants, the executive director and the Association Management Company. The chair shall be appointed by the incoming president

Dr. Maria A. Branca, Chair

Tappan Zee Division



The Committee will work in tandem with the Association’s insurance consultants to address member insurance questions, claims resolutions, advocate for medical policies favorable to podiatrists and develop working relationships with insurance payers

Dr. Nicholas D'Angelo, Chair
Kings Division

Legislative Affairs

The Committee shall act as advisor to the President, the Board of Trustees and the House of Delegates regarding legislative affairs. Working with the Association’s lobbyist, it shall develop, coordinate and advocate for Association's legislative agenda.

Dr. Karen Langone, Chair

Suffolk Division


Dr. Giannin Perez, Asst. Chair

Mid-Hudson Division


Dr. Jackie Prevete, Asst. Chair

Nassau Division



The Committee shall develop a strategy for recruiting and welcoming members and develop a series of ongoing communications about the Association’s opportunities for involvement in committees and the divisions.

Dr. Lauren Schwartz, Chair

Nassau Division



The Committee shall consist of seven members. The President-Elect shall be chair and six other members shall appointed by the president. At least three members of the Nominating Committee shall not be members of the Board of Trustees.

The Nominating Committee shall interview potential candidates and prepare a slate of candidates for the position of Delegates to the APMA House of Delegates and for positions on the Board of Trustees.  

Dr. Charles Lombardi, Chair
Queens Division


The New York Podiatry Political Action Committee (NYPPAC) is a nonprofit, bipartisan fundraising committee through which podiatrists support New York state political candidates who champion podiatric medicine's issues within the state of New York.

In support of this pursuit, NYPPAC's shall coordinate with the divisions, the leadership, the membership and staff to encourage and promote financial contributions.

Dr. Michael Conway, Downstate Chair
Nassau Division

Dr. Zerah Ali, Upstate Chair

Western Division


Public and Population Health Task Force

The Committee shall work with the Association’s marketing and communications consultant to build a marketing/communication strategy which concentrates on image building, public education, social media networking, diabetes awareness campaigns and the forging of alliances with other Title VIII providers, health care organizations and key political leadership.


Public Education and Information

The Committee shall work with the Association’s marketing and communications consultant to build a marketing/communication strategy which concentrates on image building, public education, social media networking, diabetes awareness campaigns and the forging of alliances with other Title VIII providers, health care organizations and key political leadership.

Dr. Giannin Perez, Chair

Mid-Hudson Division


Resolutions Committee

The Committee shall assist the Board of Trustees and the House of Delegates in reviewing proposed resolutions addressing changes to the Association bylaws or policies.

Dr. Nicholas D'Angelo, Chair
Kings Division

Young Members Committee

NYSPMA is committed to meeting the needs of young physicians, those podiatrists who graduated from podiatric medical school in the past 10 years. NYSPMA’s Young Members Program was established to make sure the next generation of podiatric leaders have a voice within the organization.

Dr. Jackie Prevete, Chair
Queens Division

Past Presidents

Past Presidents (not pictured)

1972-1973 - Monroe Jacobs, DPM
1969-1970 - Horace C. DeCotiis, DPM
1961-1962 - Lester Bluhm, DPM
1958-1959 - Theodore B. Eden, DPM
1954-1956 - Milton Wolfson, DPM
1947-1954 - Benjamin C. Mullens, DPM
1945-1947 - Sidney Hirschberg, DPM
1943-1945 - Irving Furie, DPM
1941-1943 - Arnold A. Weiss, DPM
1939-1941 - Raymond V. Healy, DPM
1937-1939 - Reuben Cohen, DPM
1935-1937 - Daniel J.M. Hogan, DPM
1933-1935 - John Mueller, DPM
1931-1933 - Harry L. Goldwag, DPM
1929-1931 - Ben Levy, DPM
1927-1929 - Michael Arbogast, DPM
1925-1927 - Edward E. Levy, DPM
1923-1925 - William McLaughlin, DPM
1921-1923 - Herman Sonderling, DPM
1919-1921 - Frances Golden, DPM
1917-1919 - Louis Lewy, DPM
1915-1917 - Fred Schmitt, DPM
1913-1915 - John C. Callahan, DPM
1911-1913 - Joseph Arbogast, DPM
1903-1905 - Joseph P. Solomon, DPM
1901-1903 - Alfred Joseph, DPM
1899-1901 - George Erff, DPM
1895-1897 - Richard H. Westervelt, DPM