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To be More Successful, Stop Trying to be Optimistic

Instead psychology says be hopeful

Self-help gurus and business coaches extoll the benefits of positivity. And entrepreneurs in particular are frequently told that a certain irrational belief in a positive outcome is basically a requirement of the job. There are even studies from top psychologists showing that people with more optimistic outlooks perform better cognitively and have a better chance of being successful in life. 

So, why is the headline of this article telling you that you should really stop aiming for optimism? 

It's not because grouchiness or fatalism is better than positivity. It's because research actually makes a distinction between different kinds of positivity. Hope is not the same thing as optimism, and if you really want to maximize your chances of making a positive impact on the world, then what you should aim for is hope. 

Please select this link to read the complete article from Inc.

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