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Accounting is About Value

Few understand the notion of value better than accountants

Nadège Mullier, executive manager of INAA, the global association of accountants and auditors, explained all about the organization's three-pillar strategy, focusing on attracting new members, retaining the existing ones and increasing business opportunities. At the end, nobody understands the notion of value better than accountants.

INAA is a global association of accountants and auditors, with 140 members in 50 countries. The members are all small to medium-sized firms, which work fully independently. This sets it apart from the big accounting firms, working as a global network under one brand. The original reason for existence was the ability to offer to the underlying clients – the companies the firms do the accounting for – access to trusted accountants in other countries when they wanted to expand their business internationally. Since then, the focus has shifted towards networking, education and sharing of best practices.

Since a couple of years, INAA is facing a similar challenge as many other associations: with the arrival of a new generation of leadership, the value of the association is questioned, resulting in a decrease of membership. This triggered the Board to act and come up with a plan to address the retention of existing members, attracting new members and developing business opportunities.

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