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Boiled Oceans and Strategic Staircases

Here is the corporate jargon that workers hate

I have never been asked to take part in an "idea shower." And, until I wrote this column, I did not know what that meant. For the likewise (blissfully) uninformed, it means to have a brainstorming session. Sorry, I think I'd rather go get a snack from the idea fridge.

Forty-three percent of U.S. workers say the use of business jargon can alienate those who do not understand it, according to the results of a recent survey by VoiceNation, a virtual receptionist service.

Of the 1,000 people polled, 61 percent identified "boil the ocean" as the most misunderstood phrase, followed by COP (56 percent) and "the strategic staircase (42 percent).

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