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Moose Kills Alaska Man

He was attempting to take photos of her newborn calves

A 70-year-old Alaska man who was attempting to take photos of two newborn moose calves was attacked and killed by their mother, authorities said Monday. There are up to 200,000 moose in Alaska, a state with a human population of about 737,000. The animals are not normally aggressive, but can become so if provoked, according to the state Department of Fish and Game’s website.

The man killed Sunday was identified as Dale Chorman of Homer, said Austin McDaniel, a spokesperson for the Alaska Department of Public Safety. The female moose had recently given birth to the calves in Homer.

"As they were walking through the brush looking for the moose, that's when the cow moose attacked Dale," McDaniel said.

Please select this link to read the complete article from The Associated Press.

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