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What to Wear When It’s Really Hot Outside

Climate change has impacted the weather patterns everywhere

When temperatures rise, many people strip down. But when you are dressing for a hot day, how to get away with wearing as little as possible isn't the only factor to consider.

In hot temperatures, your body sweats to cool itself down. When sweat evaporates, it takes some of your body heat with it, helping to keep you comfortable. So when you’re getting dressed during a heatwave, it's best to choose garments that will make the evaporation process as easy as possible, says Guowen Song, who runs the Lab for Heat and Thermal Protection Research at Iowa State University.

"Human beings really need to balance heat and moisture to feel good," Song said. "That's why, in different seasons, we wear different things. The clothing mediates how much heat dissipates into the environment."

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