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Boost Your Online Presence with a Digital Audit

A digital audit is a comprehensive review of an organization’s online footprint

Did you know that most experts recommend conducting a digital audit every year? The digital space changes quickly and often. Our digital experts stay on top of updates and trends and are ready to help you navigate the necessary changes to keep your digital presence up to date.

What is a digital audit?

A digital audit is a comprehensive review of an organization’s online footprint. During a full digital audit, our team will look at your overall digital presence, including all social media channels and every page of your website. We’ll be looking for what you’re doing well, where you can make improvements, and include recommendations based on today’s best digital practices. During an audit, your content, frequency of updates, design, organization and functionality are all assessed. With a finalized audit in hand, we’ll meet with your team to discuss capabilities and work with you to create an actionable plan for improvements.

When is it time for an audit?

We know that schedules are busy, and an annual digital audit may not be feasible for every organization. If you’re not able to conduct one every year, here are a few situations where a digital audit can be most helpful.

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