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New Poll Shows Biden and Trump Voters Live Different Realities

This is based on a massive new poll from the Pew Research Center

This article is part of The D.C. Brief, TIME’s politics newsletter. Sign up here to get stories like this sent to your inbox.

For about half of this country, former President Donald Trump’s boorish behavior is reason enough to pass on signing up for another four years of his bombast in the White House. Even after his 34 felony convictions last week, the ex-President seemed incapable of demonstrating contrition or remorse, and appeared ready to defy anything that ran afoul of his self-confidence. It all seems like a lot to stomach, and knowingly so.

But if you actually take a moment to study the universe of Americans—especially American voters who support Trump—it becomes apparent really quickly just how well the billionaire reality star understands his base, and in particular their views of nostalgia for a past that wasn’t quite as “great” as they like to believe. It might seem alien to those who back President Joe Biden, but it’s worth remembering that his base is just as mysterious to Trump’s constituents.

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