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Working Remotely is Best at a Hotel Lobby

You can go from work call to happy hour in less than a minute

Working from home isn’t for me. Blame it on cramped apartments and desk-next-to-bed setups.

However, I cherish the ability to work remotely. I can be cocooned in a hammock while on the phone or furiously typing away on a wobbly airplane tray table at 35,000 feet. My office can be anywhere with semi-usable WiFi or one bar of cell service, but my favorite place to work is a hotel lobby.

The lobby isn't just about checking in or out anymore. For many hotels, these shared, mixed-use spaces foster a sense of community. It’s where guests can work and mingle outside of tiny rooms, often without a desk. The hotel’s lobby or common area is a “third place” that is often overlooked. Personally, I crave an environment where other people are working; it produces a kind of social white noise.

Please select this link to read the complete article from The Washington Post.

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