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B2B Merchants: Lower Interchange Rates with Level 2 & 3 Processing

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B2B merchants know the frustration that comes with costs of card acceptance. Accepting payments in a timely and efficient manner is crucial to the success of any business; yet organizations often struggle to define solutions to improve existing procedures that are cost-effective.

According to a recent survey, nearly three-quarters of finance professionals polled said that keeping payment acceptance costs low is highly important to them. Executives surveyed said that interchange rates and fees are the most challenging issues in accepting B2B commercial card payments, followed by the overhead required to manage, collect and transmit the additional commercial card transaction data.

To realize Level 2 and Level 3 acceptance rate programs established by Visa and Mastercard, businesses must accept either purchasing cards, corporate cards, business cards or government spending accounts (GSA) issued by Visa or Mastercard.

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